Friday, June 24, 2011

24 HOURS!!

Finished packing and now to run the last minute errands! I can not believe that in only 24 hours, the almost 2 years of anticipation will all just be starting. The team and myself have all been getting so excited and prepared for this amazing journey. All of the crates with the soccer equipment are at the church cottage currently and will come with us on the plane!

I am so excited to finally go on this trip...but the nerves are starting to kick in. I am going to a third world country where they barely have anything and there are rolling blackouts in the capital. So different from what we have here in the US, but I am ready for a culture shock and escape the Basking Ridge bubble.

The plane ride (a short 15 hours 20 minutes) will definitely cause my nerves to increase but I can't wait till we finally land in South Africa!

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