Friday, July 8, 2011

Beyond Soccer Clinics.....Week 2

We expanded the irrigation project in the vegetable garden. The size of the garden tripled and the irrigation system was enhanced. The drip tapes were replaced and/or installed and a solar powered pump is now delivering water to the irrigation tank.  The 1000L tank had been filled by hand until now, amazing!

VBS went really well and we had over 100 kids learning about how God changes lives. It was exciting to see them wearing the crowns we had made on Monday throughout the rest of the time we were there.

We met the Regional Tribal Head of the area who looks after 40,000 people. We got to hear about his plans and the struggles that he faces as Chief. He was impressed about the projects that we brought o the people in his villages and asked for our email adresses so that we could stay in touch!

We are on our way to Lake Malawi tired yet energized for a short retreat to reflect about our time here in Malawi, what went well and what needs to be changed for next year's trip.

We leave here on Sunday for our long flight home.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Matapilla Soccer Clinic

Just a quick update on the second set of soccer clinics we held. The soccer clinics went really well at Matapilla. The young girls were so thrilled to receive the cleats and jerseys for their teams.  Seeing their smiles made the months of preparation and collecting of equipment SO worth it.  They held out their feet for a photo shoot and were proud and grateful for what we brought to them.

Once I return to the States I will be able to share many photos that we took here.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Women's World Cup has Nothing Over Us!!

The clinic went really well at Khwamba and I am so excited for those scheduled for next week.  The preparation in advance really helped make this a success.

I handed out the uniforms and cleats at Khwamba! The girls were so excited to play in real uniforms. It felt awesome to know that I was the one who was giving them the opportunity to play

Friday, July 1, 2011

Soccer Clinics Fully Up and Running

Yesterday and the day before I ran the soccer clinics. The first day we did passing. It started in a circle with about 5 girls and 5 circles and passing the ball around.  Then we did a keep away drill and one girl would go into the middle of the circle and the rest of the girls would try to kick it around her. If the girl in the middle got it then the person who passed it to her would go in the middle.  This kept everyone busy until we practiced heading the ball. The  girls really liked that and caught on very quickly. At the end we did this cheer to pump them all up!

Yesterday we worked on dribbling the ball. We started off by making four lines (two lines per group). There were about 7 girls in each line.  They would dribble to the other girl opposite them. Then into some relay races dribbling to the cone turning around then dribbling back. Then we lined up and did some heading and more passing. Finished again with a team cheer.

Today I plan to do shooting then letting them play actual games. We will be handling out jerseys and cleats to the players for the games.  The soccer balls that we are leaving at this Center will be handed out as well.