Friday, May 20, 2011

Can't believe how close it is!!

I went to get my second out of 3 rabies shots yesterday and also went shopping to get clothes for the trip! Its almost a month away and I'm getting so excited :) I have been waiting so long for this and its so soon!

I keep imagining what it is going to be like, but I'm pretty sure I have no real idea of what to expect. I'm going to finalize my soccer clinic plans today and figure out the exact drills that I'm going to run.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Thank you to the kids at Robert Lazer Middle School in Montville NJ

My dad went to the school to pick up uniforms and cleats that were collected by Mrs. Nancy Bostwick's 8th grade advisory class.  He played a short video about Malawi and had a discussion with the group about what our 2011 Malawi Team will be doing while in Malawi.  There were great questions from the kids who were very interested in what life in Malawi is like.  This was one of their service project and they truly got behind the cause and loved helping the orphans of Malawi.  Thank you Montville Middle School!! Awesome job!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Update of Soccer Uniform and Cleat Drive

These are pictures of the cleats that I have collected so far! About 100 pairs of cleats and 80 uniforms along with shin guards and soccer balls :)  Thank you to the Jersey Knights Soccer Club and Mike Knoth for providing more than 50 new soccer jerseys for the kids in Malawi.   My team, Jersey Knights U17 Mystic also donated uniforms, shin guards and other equipment.  Thanks to teammate Courtney's dad, Mr McKiernan for providing cones and other items I can use during the soccer clinics that I am organizing.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ridge HS Soccer Clinic Collection

My HS held their second annual "Soccer Under the Stars" soccer clinics for K-5 and 6-8 age groups on Friday May 5th.  We had a great turnout and numerous girls attending brought old uniforms and cleats to donate.  We appreciate the local support from our community.